4月27日是南非“自由日”,1994年的那天,南非历史上第一部体现种族平等的宪法生效,这一天也就成为了南非的国庆日。同样,正是在这一天,南非之父纳尔逊·曼德拉成为了南非首位民选总统。诺贝尔和平奖得主德斯蒙德·图图说“这一天感觉像是‘坠入爱河’。”对南非人来说,4月27日“自由日”是人们最为自豪的一天。 Today is the "Independence Day" of South Africa, and it was on this day of 1994 that the first Constitution in South Africa promoting racial equality took effect. Therefore, the date became the National Day of South Africa. It was also on this date that Nelson Mandela, father of South Africa, was elected as the first democratically elected president of South Africa. The Nobel Laureate in Peace Desmond Tutu said "It felt like 'falling in love' on that day." For South African people, April 27th, "Independence Day", is the date that we are most proud of. 种族隔离博物馆Apartheid Museum
族隔离博物馆自然是最为应景的去处。博物馆通过照片、文字、影像、漫画等多种方式展示着南非种族隔离历史和曼德拉的生平,为你生动地讲述南非是如何从一个“黑白分明”的国家发展成如今的“彩虹之国”。 对所有为达到这难以置信的团结而努力的人来说,这无疑是一项伟大的成就。 For South African people, the "Independence Day" in 1994 witnessed the end of the long-lasting "apartheid" and the start of a new life of freedom and equality. So, the Apartheid Museum is the best destination to visit on "Independence Day". In the museum, the history of South Africa under apartheid as well as Nelson's life stories are vividly shown through pictures, words, videos, comics and other approaches, telling visitors how South Africa turned from a country that "drew a clear line between black and white", to the "Rainbow Nation" we now see today. What a great achievement credit to all South Africans who help nurture this incredible unity. 哈珀博物馆Hapo Museum
哈珀博物馆位于比勒陀利亚“自由公园”中,“哈珀”来源于南非科依语,意思是“梦想”。博物馆以非洲人的视角,为游客们展现了非洲大陆和南非丰富多彩的历史,其中的互动体验更是十分出色,能够让人们自然而然地融入博物馆营造的历史氛围中,尽情感受悠远绵长的历史所带来的敬畏感和奇妙感。 "Hapo" means "dream" in Khoi, a language in South Africa. Located in the Freedom Park in Pretoria, it shows visitors the colourful history of the African continent and South Africa from an African perspective, with impressive interactive displays that allow visitors to become naturally immersed in the wonders and the awe-inspiring history. 南非先民纪念馆Ditsong National Museum of Natural History
南非先民纪念馆坐落在比勒陀利亚城市南部的自然保护区内,从约翰内斯堡、比勒陀利亚以及奥利佛·坦博国际机场经由高速公路都可以便捷地前往。这里有一座完整修复的英布战争中遗留下来的堡垒,为人们娓娓道来早期冒险进入南部非洲内地的先驱们的精彩故事。此外,纪念馆所在的自然保护区还是亲近自然、观赏野生动物的好去处,大羚羊、斑马、黑斑羚、猫鼬等野生动物在这里都能看到。 Located in the nature reserve at the south of Pretoria, the Museum can be easily reached via expressway from Johannesburg, Pretoria and O.R. Tambo International Airport. In the Museum, a fort that had gone through the Anglo-Boer War has been fully restored and is now on exhibition, telling visitors about the wonderful adventures of the pioneers who came to the inland of South Africa in early days. In addition, the nature reserve, which is home to oryx, zebra, impala, meerkat and many other wildlife, it is a good choice for getting close to nature and wildlife. 在值得纪念的“自由日”追寻南非历史踪迹,对来到南非的朋友们来说,也会是一次意义非凡的旅行。南非——一个致力于统一的国家,一个拥有独特魅力的“彩虹之国”,是一生中值得一去的旅行目的地。探寻悠远丰富的历史文化,感受不断变化的光明未来,美好体验就在“彩虹之国”南非! It would be remarkable to visit these historical sites on "Independence Day" when traveling in South Africa. A Nation so committed to a united South Africa, makes the “Rainbow Nation” so incredibly unique and is a place that you should visit at least once in your life time, and experience a place with deep rich history and culture with a bright future for all going forward.